Spring Bouquet


Celebrate the beauty of spring with our stunning Spring Bouquet! This delightful arrangement features a collection of handmade felt flowers, including 3 daffodils, 3 tulips, and 2 lavender stems. Perfect for adding a touch of seasonal charm to any room, this bouquet is a best seller that’s sure to brighten up your home decor. For color or size variations, or for bridal arrangements, simply use the ‘Contact Us’ tab to discuss your preferences.

Product Features:

  • Floral Collection: Contains 3 daffodils, 3 tulips, and 2 lavender stems for a vibrant display.
  • Handmade: Meticulously crafted from high-quality felt for a lifelike appearance.
  • Home Decor: Ideal for enhancing the ambiance of any room in your home.
  • Customization: Contact us for color or size variations, or for bridal arrangements.
  • Lead Time: Ready for delivery in 1-2 weeks.

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