Tulip Bouquet


Brighten up your home with our stunning Tulip Bouquet! This beautiful collection of handmade felt tulips is available in a grouping of six, featuring two red, two coral, and two yellow tulips. Perfect for adding a burst of color and charm to any space, this bouquet is meticulously crafted with bright sunny colors to uplift your mood. Additionally, it’s available as a bridal bouquet in a range of sizes, with alternative color combinations for weddings. Simply use the ‘Contact Us’ tab to discuss your preferences.

Product Features:

  • Floral Collection: Contains six vibrant handmade felt tulips for a stunning display.
  • Home Decor: Ideal for brightening up any room in your home with its cheerful colors.
  • Bridal Option: Available as a bridal bouquet in a range of sizes for your special day.
  • Customization: Contact us for alternative color combinations for weddings.
  • Handcrafted: Meticulously handmade from felt in Ireland for lasting beauty.

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